
Advantages of Hyperconvergence Technology


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A hyper-converged technology offers data center alternatives for CIOs eyeing to replace old equipment, reinforce latest applications, and/or broaden IT resources to far-off workplaces or localities.

The Hyperconvergence Platform

Hyperconvergence is a technology platform offering IT solutions in the computing, networking, storage, and virtualization in a unified package. It is a platform that promises efficiency and costs savings to accrue eventually. The savings it accumulates in data center space and the reduced administrative encumbrance only adds up to the point making some industry watchers reason that hyper-converged technology benefits it presents can outdo the public cloud in several applications. This technology may be conveyed in the configuration of a hyper-converged device or as a software-only execution.

Though the extent and advantages it offers are uncomplicated, the resulting financial benefits of hyper-converged technology are a little difficult to pinpoint. It is the case if it comes to hardware analogy because, in some industry professionals’ point of view, the cost of hyper-convergence hardware presents less costly than traditional hardware, but it is not knowingly so.

Benefits of Hyper-Convergence Technology

Figure 1: Evolution of Convergence | Photo Courtesy: PTS Data Center Solutions

Hyper-convergence benefits include streamlined management, trouble-free acquisition, and reduced footprint. Though integrated systems do not deliver the wide-ranging benefits related to hyper-convergence, its single-vendor support system is outstanding. Auspiciously, a single-vendor design, support system, and delivery process are also features of hyper-converged technology making it an advantage for customers of single-vendor contact for the entire life of the hyper-converged system, beginning from the preliminary inquiries to the entire system set-up and utilization. And since these systems are tested and verified, customers have not as much of a need for experimental projects, and people that are chosen to run the systems can do so for much shorter periods. Overall, lessened intricacy in these processes directly translates to time saved, effort, and thus lower operational costs.

Hyper-convergence nodes automatically develop a unified cluster aimed to permit failover of the applications and data amongst the nodes of a cluster. This application can be relocated among nodes in a live state while services continue to operate. In an unexpected complete node breakdown, applications are instinctively restarted on other nodes to minimize lost time.

In each node, all resources are aggregated into a sole cluster forming a single super-server for both you and the applications. Whenever additional computing power is needed or more storage is needed, just add a node. Storage is incorporated seamlessly into the hyper-convergence cluster as a global entity that is native to applications running on hyper-converge. Also, the hypervisor is integrated seamlessly with hyper-convergence. There’s no need to buy virtualization software or licenses from any seller, and besides, there’s no need for any prior knowledge or training in visualization to use hyper-convergence. Furthermore, atypical node types can be combined and synchronized into a single cluster, affording suppleness to building a faultless infrastructure for applications.

Figure 2: A Type 2 hypervisor (sometimes called a ‘Hosted’ hypervisor) runs inside an operating system which in turn runs on the physical hardware. | Source: https://www.flexiant.com

Hyper-convergence solutions are extensively used in education, financial services, government, healthcare industries, and manufacturing. It is perfect for DR sites, remote and main offices, and any kind of environment where applications require high availability, not complexity, and prohibitive costs. Hyper-convergence has been built specifically for easy deployment, with organizations with small IT staffs, and to be managed by IT professionals who would like to expend more time concentrated on business demands and applications instead of troubleshooting infrastructure and hardware problems. 

About the Author

The Author is a Non-voice BPO/DAS Tech Services project contractor and a Media Tech writer. Studied engineering in the fields of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics & Communications Engineering with a Master’s in Business Administration. Experience encompasses Travel, Industrial, and Telecommunications writing, media publishing, and analytics. The Author has been in this field for over 20 years. 

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